Turrican 2 (The World 1), 8402 x 2532 pixels, 746 KB. Turrican 2 (The World 2), 7666 x 3618 pixels, 539 KB. Turrican 2 (The World 3), 37230 x 2027 pixels, 419 KB. Turrican 2 (The World 4), 5842 x 4482 pixels, 514 KB. Turrican 2 (The World 5), 3268 x 4571 pixels, 408 KB.
Turrican 2 (signpost)
Genre: Arc/Adv   Resolution: 00888 x 00440 pixels   Size: 0013 KB   Link: [WoSC, SC, TS]
Author: Pavel Plíva   Format: PNG   Date of creation: 14. 10. 2006
Score: 8.25 (8 votes)
10 Vote (1 - the worst rating, 10 - the best rating).
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Turrican 2 (Signpost) - The Map